MiScope Megapixel 2 (MISC-MP2) scientific grade portable digital microscope
Options include:
MISC-MP2B-t2 MiScope Megapixel 2 includes scientific quality camera, 15x-140x magnification, on/off switch for LEDs to use side or bottom lighting, with Video Toolbox PRO PC Software, variable Ushims for intermediate measurement, and USB cable.
MISC-MP2B-IR-o4 Same as MiScope Megapixel 2 but also includes on/off/on IR light switch to use white and IR LEDs or turn the LEDs off and use side or bottom lighting.
MISC-MP2B-UV-o4 Same as MIScope Megapixel 2 but also includes on/off/on UV light switch to use white and UV LEDs or turn the LEDs off and use side or bottom lighting.
MISC-MP2B-IR-DUAL-t2 Same as MIScope Megapixel 2 but also includes on/off/on IR light switch to use white and one wavelength IR, or other wavelength IR, or turn the LEDs off and use side or bottom lighting.
MISC-MP2B-WUVIR-t2 Same as MiScope Megapixel 2 but also includes on/off for white, UV and IR LEDs or turn all the LEDs off and use side or bottom lighting.
Live bedbugs from Zarbeco, LLC on Vimeo.
Hydra and Dapnia imaged by MiScope Megapixel 2 from Zarbeco, LLC on Vimeo.
Minimum system requirements: